> 文章列表 > 人们都在哪一天拜年英语




During the Spring Festival in China, it is equivalent to New Year. On this occasion, relatives and friends visit each other.


Where are you right now? Come to my house at two o\'clock! I will take you to my home and we can pay New Year\'s visit together!!


Spring Festival (春节) is a traditional festival in China. It is widely celebrated and enjoyed by people of all ages.


We go to our grandparents\' house to pay New Year\'s call. It is a special occasion for family reunion and showing respect to our elders.


拜年 (paying New Year visit) is an important custom during the Spring Festival. 利是 (red envelope containing money) is a traditional gift given to children and unmarried individuals. 年夜饭 (New Year\'s Eve dinner) is a feast enjoyed by family members to welcome the new year. 大年三十 (New Year\'s Eve) is the last day of the lunar calendar year.

“在春节前一天人们在贴春联挂灯笼”用英语怎么说? - cristi...

The day before the Spring Festival, people are busy putting up couplets and hanging lanterns as decorations.


Early in the morning, we went to visit our grandparents\' homes to pay New Year\'s call. It is a joyful and heartwarming tradition to strengthen family bonds.


Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is a significant holiday for Chinese people. It is based on the lunar calendar, and the date varies each year. This year\'s Spring Festival is on January 26th, bringing joy and celebration to millions of households.


During the Spring Festival, it is a common tradition for Chinese people to visit relatives and friends\' homes to pay New Year\'s call. It is a time for reunions, exchanging blessings, and sharing joy. In addition to visiting, people also engage in festive activities such as eating delicious food, setting off fireworks, and watching traditional performances.


I received your letter, and I am excited to share with you the grand celebration of the Spring Festival. It is the most important and festive holiday in China. As the Spring Festival approaches, people decorate their homes with couplets and New Year posters, creating a joyous atmosphere. It is also customary to exchange New Year greetings and blessings with friends and loved ones, spreading warmth and goodwill.