> 文章列表 > 今年过年要回家拜年吗翻译






1. pay a New Year call - 这是传统的拜年方式,人们到亲朋好友的家中拜访,祝愿他们新年快乐,万事如意。2. wish sb a Happy New Year - 这是更简单的表达方式,用于给他人送上新年的祝福。




1. The Spring Festival is approaching - 春节即将来临,用于表示离春节还有很短的时间。2. I\'m really looking forward to the Spring Festival and the Spring Festival Gala - 我非常期待春节和春节晚会。3. I believe the Spring Festival will bring joy and happiness to everyone - 我相信春节将为每个人带来快乐和幸福。


1. People start preparing for the Spring Festival about a month in advance, buying New Year goods and cleaning - 在春节前一个月左右,人们开始准备春节,购买年货和打扫卫生。2. People who work outside their hometowns travel back home for the Spring Festival, no matter how far away - 不论距离有多远,外地工作的人们都会在春节前回家过年。3. On New Year\'s Eve, people gather together to have a meal and watch the Spring Festival Gala - 除夕之夜,人们聚在一起吃饭,并观看春节联欢晚会。


1. Will you be going back to Beijing for the Spring Festival? - 你会在春节期间回北京吗?2. Will you be celebrating the Spring Festival in Beijing? - 你会在北京过年吗?这两句话分别询问对方是否会在春节期间去北京和是否会在北京过年。


I went back home for the Spring Festival, and during this period, I couldn\'t access the internet. That\'s why I am only seeing your email now. - 因为我回家过年了,在此期间不能上网,所以现在才看到你的邮件。


I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy Chinese New Year. Here, I send my best wishes and blessings to you for a joyful and prosperous Spring Festival. - 在这里,我想借此机会向你拜年,祝你春节快乐。我向你送上最美好的祝福,愿你度过一个快乐、繁荣的春节。


Our company will have a day off this Friday. And then, I am getting ready to go back home for the Spring Festival. - 我们公司这星期五放假了。然后,我准备回家过年。